Monday, December 20, 2010
Seasons Greetings and onward assignment
For those more accustomed to the typical winter weather, celebrating in the heat and humidity of the summer makes it more difficult to imagine the time of the year. We attended a Christmas choral event at the British Embassy but even that had little impact on our holiday mood. However, in Luanda, there are Christmas lights on the streets and commercials for goods with the traditional carols on the radio. The street vendors carry small artificial trees up and down the street selling to those waiting in the unending traffic congestion. The one mall in Angola boasts an impressive Christmas display (but without Santa) where families come to enjoy and snap pictures.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Normalizing Life
Spending time in Portugal allowed me to discover the origins of many fundamentals of architecture, food, brand names, traffic patterns etc. reproduced in Angola. History surrounds you like most other European cities as we visited churches, castles and monuments. The beaches were pleasant in the Algarve as we shared them with multiple generations of Portuguese families enjoying their summer holiday together. We lit candles at Our Lady of Fatima shrine and traced the steps of the children who reported the visits from her. We drank good but inexpensive Portuguese wine and I fed my craving almost daily for grilled salmon that I cannot enjoy in Luanda.
Jim hit the ground running in Luanda. After only a few days here, he was offered and accepted a temporary position at the Embassy as the “move coordinator”. As the apartment building behind the Embassy was finally completed, a major relocation project began moving many of us into this building. Because we were dealing with new apartments, a lot of his job was evaluating the adequacy of the construction (which was very inadequate). He had an experience in international relations, trying to communicate with people from Southeast Asia and India (the building workers) and Angolans (our guys) and a very histrionic landlady (Ethiopian American married to an Angolan). Additionally, he had to do a lot of handholding and listening as many of our colleagues dealt with the stress of moving in mid tour. Indeed, he used all the skills acquired in years as a psychologist. He made friends easily with the local staff whom he has come to enjoy and impressed the management with his organizational skills (What a surprise!).
So, we are now living on the 9th floor on a hill overlooking the city and the bay in a medium size 3 bedroom apartment. Once again it is a million dollar view with a short commute across the street. We live in somewhat of an upscale neighborhood for the city center of Luanda with other houses and a couple of small parks. I do not miss the daily crazy drive and parking challenges when I lived on the Marginal. And although there is still noise at times, it is a much quieter environment most of the time. As the Embassy occupies the top 5 floors, we have established a more cohesive community. Jim and I have hosted a few parties already where we can open our door and extend the living space to a small lobby and community porch for all to use.
With Jim here and living in a new place, life has become normalized and pleasant. Jim is enjoying the adventure and living a relative stress free life. He did not realize how much stress he experienced all these years and feels liberated from it. He sleeps well, exercises a lot, is reading books for enjoyment and discovering cooking. We have found some good restaurants we enjoy and better options for buying meat. Both of us find living in Luanda involved with the American Embassy a pleasant, alternative life.
However, Jim does want to be involved in some work. Initially, he thought he would work 2 days a week at the International School although management at the Embassy hoped he would work full time for us. However, the school only wanted to employ him initially at an “insulting salary” for a few months while another part time Dutch psychologist was on maternity leave. Given the long tedious commute and these factors, he decided to decline their offer. This last week, he was offered the job as the CLO—Community Liaison Officer, a position that entails supporting and enhancing the life of the American families at the Embassy. Because he will be involved with potential emergency situations with access to sensitive information, he will need a top secret clearance like the rest of us. The job will suit him well for the next year and will allow him to acquire some overseas embassy life experience he can use for future posts.
The mood and morale at Embassy Luanda has also changed. Most of the personnel finished their 2-3 year tour this summer and the new group continues to arrive. With this, a more positive outlook has replaced the previous negative one and morale is improving. The hope is to continue this enthusiasm and make this Embassy one that is not viewed as so difficult. We have an interim Ambassador for another week (a retired former Ambassador to Uganda and Zambia who now works at Cal Berkeley) and are just waiting for the Congress to approve the appointment of the next one.
I have continued to organize the health unit and discard the many years of accumulated and expired supplies and medications. I still do not have a regular medical administrative assistant or nurse although the process to hire one is underway—always a slow process here. I have a teen summer intern of one of the employees who has been amazing in her efficiency and speed with what I need to have done. My Portuguese slowly improves and I have now taken on another (volunteer) job as the coordinator of the post language program. So much of my work is administrative and supportive in comparison to clinical work. While I don’t mind, I do miss it. I am teaching CPR classes, overseeing the cleanliness and food handling issues of our small cafeteria and will continue to promote overall good health for everyone.
As part of my ongoing training, I will attend a Comprehensive Advanced Life Support course at the University of Minnesota. I will join other new Med personnel in this class including those from my orientation class that began one year ago this next week. Like Berlin, it is always nice to catch up and compare notes.
So, this allows me to come to the US on September 17 to attend the class the next week followed by a week of leave in Cincinnati visiting family and friends. Jim will also travel with me, will visit his family in Cleveland while I am in the course and join me in Cinti the following week. Adrian and Colin are coming to Minneapolis to meet us that first weekend. My sister and her husband who have lived in Minneapolis for a number of years are spending their last week there at that time before heading off to a new life in Portland, Oregon. We are looking forward to the trip and hope to visit with our friends in Cincinnati when we are there.
Here are some photos of our trip to Portugal
Our new apartment and neighborhood.
We are enjoying time with friends and the beach. Jim is attemptint to learn to surf with help from one of the Marines.
We went fishing and I caught some fish!!! We cooked them that night.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Winter in Luanda and volcanic ash
I was told that winter here is the most pleasant time of the year and, as predicted, it is true. The daily, almost oppressive heat and humidity has given way to pleasant breezes and temperatures in the upper 70s low 80s throughout the day with lows in the low 70s to upper 60s at night. The “Ilha” across the bay from my apartment is usually a very busy place on Sunday in the summer for the local Luandans. However, today, I went to have lunch with others at a restaurant on the beach. It was so pleasant with only the expat community enjoying the beach. I have the veranda windows open presently to enjoy the breezes as on Sunday the traffic below is not too annoying. It is amusing to see the local people wear jackets to keep warm at these temperatures.
I have stayed in Luanda on most weekends these last couple of months. There are social events at times but other times, there is a need just to be alone from others with whom you work and see daily. Last night I went to the British Embassy with a group of Americans to watch and cheer on our soccer team as they played England in the World Cup. It was a fun time and happy that the US did not lose but tied 1-1. I have also explored the streets of Luanda on foot and finding that the actual city itself is not that large. There are some stores that have reasonably priced items such as clothing and home items. But it is still difficult to know where to go for other items such as car maintenance items etc. Slowly, I suppose I feel more comfortable living here. There seems to be slow improvements in the quality of life here. There appears to be less garbage on the streets in certain areas of the city although I always wonder whether it is that I am becoming accustomed to it. The lines at the gas stations have decreased dramatically. There is speculation among us as to why this is. Some think it is because there are more gas stations opening outside the city while others speculate it is because there has been less cash dispersion by the government to the employees. Whatever the reason, it is a welcomed improvement.
I could have never imagined that volcanic ash could disrupt my traveling plans to Europe. I was to travel to Berlin for our State Department med conference in April; the weekend that the main disruption in travel occurred in all of Europe. At the time, I felt desperate to leave Luanda and was very disappointed that my plans were not to take place. However, I recovered from the disappointment and felt more able to deal with life here.
The conference was rescheduled a month later and I did travel to Germany at that time. I flew to Frankfurt a day early to visit with Anne and Thorsten in Saarbrucken (2 hours by train from Frankfurt). Anne stayed with us in the early 90s when she was an AFS student. Jim and I had traveled to Germany to be present at their wedding a few years ago. They welcomed me to their new “old” home they purchased last fall. Although this house is in decent shape for a 1900 house, there are maintenance issues that need to be addressed. It brought back memories of those same types of decisions we had to face with the N. Avondale house.
I traveled on to Berlin for the conference which took place at a hotel in the middle of Berlin at Pottsdamer Place just down the street from the American Embassy and the Brandenburg Gate. At the Med conference, I met other Foreign Service health practitioners and physicians at other posts. The continuing education focused on the relevant topics for us in the Foreign Service. At the end of the day though, I could enjoy the city. I love Berlin! As the daylight remains until close to 10 pm, I was able to walk the city streets after the conclusion of the day’s proceedings. I enjoyed the good food and ate too much while there. It was also nice to stroll about shops in a relaxed, clean atmosphere. I went to one of the operas available and toured museums I had not seen in the past. And I enjoyed the efficiency of the Germans being able to leave and arrive on time at all my destinations.
While at the conference, I confirmed that I will switch to the summer bid cycle. In the Foreign Service, the tours at one post last 2-3 years. The time to switch posts occurs either in the summer or winter although most people switch in the summer. Depending on your cycle, you “bid” on positions in posts that are available during your transition time. Decisions are made by you, the new posts and the need of the Department as to where you go next. Since I came to Luanda as a 2 year posting in November, this is considered the winter cycle. But because Med is small compared to the other groups, they prefer to have everyone on the summer cycle. So, I either have to “curtail” a few months early or “extend” 6 months longer to be included in this cycle. I have chosen not to extend. So, I will remain here until next summer. I also can have some say as to where I will be posted next depending on those places that will have an opening.
And, finally, and most importantly, Jim is scheduled to move to Luanda in a few weeks. Our plan is to meet in Lisbon, Portugal on July 3. I am taking my R&R to Portugal and I was able to route Jim through Lisbon. It is hard to believe he will finally be joining me. He sold his office and closed on the sale last week. He has closed his practice and is completing the courses he is teaching at Xavier. The lease on the house on Paxton ends on June 30—we will be “packed out: at that time and he will be on his way. Of course, I worry about how he will adjust here and how he will occupy his time. The director at the English speaking International School has promised to employ him at least 2 days a week for now with the new school term in August. What else he will do is not certain. But, he tells me not to worry that he will be ok and can manage for the next year. Another chapter begins in the ongoing adventure.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
There are changes coming to the Health Unit in Embassy Luanda. Marina, the nurse who has maintained the unit for 7 years is now leaving this job. She and her husband (one of the Embassy’s facility’s supervisor) are returning to their home on the coast of Namibia to take over a Wimpy’s franchise in a coastal city. (Wimpy’s is a UK hamburger chain in much of the world other than the US). Philip and Marina are an interesting couple. Both are S. African born (although Philip spent most of his childhood in Namibia) and met while serving in the S. African army. Philip spent many years as part of the SA forces fighting with UNITA (the opposition to the present government led by Jonas Zavimbi and funded by SA and other anti communist governments like the US) in the long 30 years war. After he left in the 90s, he worked in much of southern Africa in de-mining and other construction projects. He ended up in Angola to help build the present Embassy. They both enjoy traveling overland in their Range Rover and camping in the wilderness. They have some interesting stories to tell. The last few years have been more difficult for them here with long commutes to work and difficulty obtaining work visas. So, their life in Namibia will be different for them but they are very happy to return to the home they own and where Philip’s parents live. Namibia is a sparsely populated country (2 million) relying heavily on tourism with its lovely, sparsely populated beaches, sand dunes and interesting game parks. As a former German colony, there are still many German tourists and retirees that spend time there each year.
While I will miss Marina as a friend, it became increasingly obvious that there isn’t enough work to keep both of us busy. I have requested a clerk to sit in the health unit to deal with people dropping by, answer the phone, perform some clerical duties and translate for me as needed. Luckily there is a clerical worker in another section who was not as busy as should be. So, she will come to my office, free up some needed work space in another section and perform both duties. Hopefully, it will work out for all of us.
I am asked frequently, how I like my job and living here. I am still tentative about it. The job is fine at the moment although I wish I was busier clinically. From a daily life standpoint, I find it still difficult. I hoped that as time went on, it would be easier to be here without Jim. That has not changed and his arrival at the end of June seems a long way off. I worry about how he will adjust here, if we will be able to find something he will like to keep him busy and whether this kind of life is what he wants. He tells me not to worry but I do. We keep in daily contact either through email or Skype. Yet, I am happy that he is there helping Colin through his next transition and our parents when needed.
The other stressor here is the language barrier. Most of the DOS officers receive some language training before arrival; but Med does not. In the past, I managed well enough when I was traveling as there was always someone who could speak English. But living here is different and only a handful of people do so. There has been minimal sustained contact with the English speaking world here as the main connection has been with other Portuguese speaking countries like Portugal or Brazil. Even the government ministers have difficulty with communication once they leave here to try to deal with the rest of the world.
However, I am making an effort to learn Portuguese. I have a teacher 2-3 times a week for an hour and am also taking a distance course from DOS. It is helping and I am making progress. But, as usual for me, it is too slow. I understand much better than I speak and I find it so very frustrating to try to communicate. I remember when I lived in Israel and tried to learn Hebrew. I would try to speak but all my co workers would just look at me as I struggled, sigh and tell me just to speak to them in English. Here, no one does that but outside the Embassy, they are very impatient if I try. However, those in the Embassy have been very supportive and help me when I do try.
As I was walking today on the Marginal, I saw a young boy wearing a Cincinnati Bengals’ shirt. Certainly, it was not from loyalty. You can find all those Tshirts you gave to the Goodwill at the local open air markets. I went to a very large one where you could find just about anything you want laid out on the ground for inspection. There were piles of second hand clothing waiting to be sifted through. T-shirts, hats with old logos or those T-shirts with past events that you gave away—they are there. I am glad to know that someone is using them.
I had a recent conversation with one of the new political officers about her recent experience traveling with the Ambassador outside of Luanda to the provinces. She is a young African American woman on her first tour and other than her time studying in Brazil, had not been to any third world countries. She expressed shock at the poverty and living conditions in the cities she visited. Welcome to Africa and the third world.
Angola is typical of so many other countries yet it has an amazing number of resources that go untapped. Indeed with 30 years of war and so many people being driven from the provinces into the city, it is difficult for fertile land to be utilized for farming to its potential. Land mines are interspersed everywhere and the de mining process is slow. Even once the area has been deemed safe to return, the repatriation and education of farmers is even slower. USAID and many NGOs are involved in this process.
For now, oil is the main economic fuel for the growth of the country. The majority of it is pumped off shore in the north of the country although there is exploration occurring in other areas. Various companies have bid and been assigned blocks of land in the interior to explore. I went on a geology trip with a Canadian geologist, who took us to areas where the oil seeps through the rocks. Angola’s economy did take a hit when oil prices dropped last year. Numerous projects underway were halted as a result. Apparently, the government realized that they needed to diversify their portfolio and have looked into other opportunities. Diamonds are still mined especially in the east but it seems more of a quiet business than oil. Apparently the diamond trade helped fund UNITA’s ongoing operations during the war despite the ban on such a practice.
Despite the existence of oil, there is only one refinery in Angola. Gas stations are at a premium, especially in Luanda, although you see more being built in the provinces. Obtaining gas for the big SUVs in Luanda is an ongoing headache and can consume up to 2 hours of your time to fill up your tank. There is a large station down the road on the Marginal which I can see from my balcony. I usually check it out to see how long the line is before venturing out. Luckily, the line moves rather quickly with 8 pumps (unless the gas tanker is there) going at any time 24 hours a day. No self service here at about $1.70 gallon. I end up spending about 45 minutes or so to fill up and luckily I don’t have to do that very often due to my short commute.
The Angolan government recently changed the constitution to allow the party in power to appoint the president. The present president (Dos Santos) has been in this position since 1979 and even if he resigns from the presidency, he will, most likely, remain head of the party MPLA that has been in power for many years. The party in power also appoints the ministers and the provincial governors. There was parliamentary elections last year that gave the MPLA about 86% of the vote. Their campaign promise was stability after 30 years of war. There is much corruption and cronyism making some people very rich. Despite calls for change, little has changed. A co worker told me that one of the large condo (about 25-30 floors) high rises under construction has already sold all the units each costing $1-2 million. Last week, a new club behind my building opened up. A friend had made acquaintance with the owner’s son, so we had a chance to see it before it opened. A nice place--$5 million dollars worth that will cost $150 for entrance but if you want to visit the restaurant or VIP lounge, it will cost $10,000. But outside, the roads are full of potholes, mud and you have to step over the garbage to get to the entrance.
Unless you are well connected, the chance of opening a business is slim. The average Angolan barely gets by but is resourceful given the restraints. As there are few true “stores” there are thousands on the streets selling everything from food to clothing to car accessories. While you are stopped in traffic or waiting in line for gas, they are there. The ladies carry their items in baskets on their head with the baby on the back. On one trip, we needed to fill up the cars with gas but the station was out of gas. But nearby, the ladies were sitting with their cans of gas waiting for people like us desperate to fill up at a premium.
The rest of the world has taken notice of this country’s undeveloped wealth and have come calling. The Angolans seem to choose what seems best for them. The Chinese are here in great numbers building roads, high rise buildings and industrial parks. They bring their own people to perform much of the work which aggravates many people here. The Brazilians and Namibians also are here building much better roads than the Chinese. S. Africans bring their expertise in business and goods manufactured in SA. The Americans have a presence with Chevron and Exxon. Other companies are knocking on the door as well. The American government has made some progress over the last few years with the Angolan government over the last few years which was evident with the brief visit by Secretary Clinton last summer. However, the Angolans make it clear they are in charge and still have a very Russian leaning. Many of the older government officials from MPLA spent time in the Soviet block for education and training many years ago.
So much of the problems here stem from the Portuguese presence for 400 years. Their colonial rule and the way they treated the people was different from the other European countries. There is a website you can visit that is actually from the area studies program for the US government. It gives a good overview of the history of Angola through the 1980s.
I continue to have opportunities to see the rest of the country. About a month ago, I spent a 4 day weekend with others traveling to the south almost to the Namibian border. Again, once outside Luanda, the country side is minimally inhabited. The other larger towns are easier to navigate and have vestiges of life in Angola prior to independence albeit still limited. The distances between places are deceiving in terms of time to drive as in the US. The roads for the most part are new with minimal traffic (except for cows, goats and dogs). Carnival (Angola’s Mardi Gras) was festive and an interesting mix of Rio and Luanda. Last week I joined the Angolan Field Group again for a history tour to view monuments and places dedicated to the first president of Angola—Aghostino Neto. He died mysteriously in Russia while being treated for cancer. There is a rumor that the Russians were not happy with him once he was president. They had strongly supported him during the war years but once he was president he had a mind of his own.
During this trip, I was challenged with off road driving in the Land Rover—lots of mud and water. But I gained respect from the men in the group as I plowed through with mud and water flying!!
I have included some photo albums to view. This is what has taken me awile to get organized. You can click on the photo for the albums--you may want to open it in a new tab.
This album is Luanda scenes.
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Luanda Scenes |
I have been "kind" to the views of Luanda for now.
The next album are some views of the beaches near Luanda.
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Beaches near Luanda |
Here are some photos of people I have seen mostly outside of Luanda. I especially like to take photos of the women
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Angolan People |
Luanda celebrates Carnival (Mardi Gras) on a smaller scale but it is a holiday. The festivities occurred on the Marginal not far from my apartment. I did take some video which includes all the sounds and music. For now, here are some photos.
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Carnival Luanda 2010 |
The remaining albums include my various trips around the country.
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Rio Longo Trip |
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Malanje Trip |
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Benguela, Lubango, Namibe Trip |
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Geology Trip |
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History trip |
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Third Month in Angola
I am now into my third month living in
My job as the DOS (State Department) Health Practitioner is fluid. I had been concerned that I would find myself with little to do as there are not that many American government personnel with families here compared to other posts and most of them are healthy. Additionally, I am only to provide occupational health to the local staff. So far, although I do not see many ill people, there always seems to be someone stopping by for an issue or advice. The local staff consults with me regularly as they are unsure about the care they receive from the local clinics. Unfortunately, I cannot treat them but only provide advice. As I am running a small health clinic, I am responsible for the day to day operations including managing resources such as a small pharmacy, emergency equipment, medical records, review of the local staffs’ medical bills (we are self insured at this point) etc. The State Department also has much paperwork to keep updated and I must continually assess the local health conditions here.
The S. African nurse who has been the provider here for 7 years left for an extended vacation (6 weeks) 2 weeks after I arrived. As many people were also away for the holidays, it was a good time to take inventory of the operations. I managed quite well with the local staff despite my limited Portuguese (for those few who do not speak any English). They were quite suspicious of me as I was American and the local physician who had provided care to them was terminated. As I had mentioned before, there had been concerns of competence and ethics. She had provided care for them due to the lack of decent facilities for care. Now, there has been some improvement in the local facilities and the
In addition to providing care, I provide other types of programs such as health promotion classes as well as CPR and first aid. I sit on committees and may become involved in programs that are run by
As part of my training, I traveled to the American Embassy in
Returning to
Yet despite the appearance, fear reigns in the country due to increasing very violent attacks. People are very cautious about where and when they travel and live behind high walls with electric fences. As is said about the difference between crime in S. Africa and
The second part of my training took me to
I was content to return to
Additionally, I have had opportunities to travel outside the city. Once you leave Luanda, there are beautiful untouched and sparsely populated beaches where you can camp. Last weekend, I went south with the Ambassador and other embassy staff along with 2
I started driving the Land Rover I bought at the end of December. It was easier to learn to drive initially during the holidays when the traffic wasn’t so intense. The driving itself in what I describe as the “wild west” with the aggressive drivers isn’t as much of an issue as much as the stress trying to dodge pedestrians and weaving motor bikes around traffic. I worry I will hit someone I won’t see as they randomly appear without paying attention to the traffic. I have had opportunities to drive out of the city in some poor or no roads with large pot holes. Interesting experience for sure.
I have been able to keep up my regular exercise with almost daily walking on the Marginal--on the Bay of Luanda. While I have not kept up with my speed and long distances, I have been consistent. I recently started a Sunday bike ride with a group from the Embassy, borrowing a bike. It has been nice to bike, but, do find it challenging with the potholes and the traffic even on Sunday mornings at 6:30 am. I look forward to having my bike delivered sometime in the next few months--it is somewhere on its way.