Happy 2012 from “The Ongoing Adventures” Blog!
I obviously took a hiatus over the last months. However, the adventures have not ended. A new posting in Ankara has thrust us into the cradle of civilization stepping into the past while living daily in a modern country with a growing economy and influence in the world.
Most know that we left Luanda in June and spent the next five weeks in the U.S. on “home leave” along with consultations with Med in Wash DC. It was good to see family and friends, catching up on doctors’ appointments, taking care of personal business. We traveled to LA to see brother Michael and Brenda and then Portland to see sister Monica & Tom. We completed the trip by stopping off in Calgary to see our good friends Kathy and Greg. As we had been warned, there was more to do during home leave than expected with time swiftly passing.
Here are some photos from our trip. To see a larger view of the pictures, click on the photo and it will open the album in a new screen.